
Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Foro Comunitario en Sun City: ICE y Penzone, Arpaio y Trump

Anchor Babies of 1492

Los invitamos el proximo miércoles a las 6 de la tarde al Foro Comunitario para que le diga directamente al Alguacil Penzone que no siga deportando a nuestro pueblo y que sabemos que los mismos jefes de Arpaio siguen en sus filas con la misma mentalidad astutamente deportando a nuestras familias.

Foro Comunitario
Miercoles 18 de junio, 2018

6:00 PM

Mountain View Recreation Center

9749 N. 107 Ave

Sun City Arizona 85351

La semana que viene otra vez se llevara a cabo La Reunion Comunitaria con la oficina del alguacil Penzone ordenado por la corte. Allí se hablara otra vez de los avances o retrocesos para cumplir con las orden del juez Snow. Estas reuniones se han convertido en mas de lo mismo donde los maquinadores de imagen alaban el trabajo de Paul Penzone en el intento de reelección que pronto se acercara como pasa cada cuatro años.

Lo interesante de esta “reunion comunitaria,” es que se sostendrá en el corazón del apoyo de Joe Arpaio, la ciudad de Sun City. Ademas el comandante de esa zona es nada mas ni nada menos que Paul Chagolla. Para los que no se acuerden Paul Chagolla, era sub-jefe de sheriffes bajo Joe Arpaio. Penzone lo bajo de Jefe de Alguaciles a comandante con el mando de 60 alguaciles y varios sargentos con sus capitanes. 

En otras palabras, movió la mugre de un lado a otro pero no limpio la podredumbre.

Y así como Paul Chagolla quedaron la mayoría de los actores detrás del telón de perfil racial que tanto daño continua causando a nuestra comunidad.

La linea oficial de Paul Penzone es que sus alguaciles no hacen el trabajo de inmigración, sin embargo nosotros sabemos que un norteamericano manejando sin licencia simplemente se le dará una infracción, a veces se le confiscara el vehículo y allí quedo.

Un mexicano manejando sin licencia de acuerdo a la discreción del oficial puede ser detenido y enviado para ser procesado para identificarlo, allí lo estada esperando la migra en la cuarta avenida para ser puesto en proceso de deportación. Legalmente los alguaciles de Penzone no hicieron el trabajo de inmigración, porque tienen a la migra en sus cárceles para hacerlo.

Es un juego de palabras. El mismo Penzone dice que el “no tiene que tener a la migra en sus cárceles pero que el escoge hacerlo.”

Lo mas triste de todo esto es que la mayoría de las organizaciones “hispanas” después de Arpaio, apoyan a Paul Penzone ciegamente bajo el tema de “mejor Penzone que un republicano racista.” Sin ponerse a pensar que Penzone esta haciendo lo mismo que Arpaio, pero con mas astucia. No hace redadas masivas, no anuncia con orgullo los deportados, pero sigue facilitando la deportación de nuestro pueblo.

A veces es mejor tener enfrente un enemigo declarado como Arpaio que un supuesto amigo que te apuñala por la espalda. Miren a Obama que deporto 3 millones de personas fingiendo ser nuestro amigo. Cuando menos Trump nos dice directo lo racista que es y sus planes para destruirnos.

Ya es hora de cambiar nuestro análisis. A través de los gobiernos no hay salida. La salida esta en nuestra organización independiente. Es por eso que yo apoyo la postura Zapatista y del Concejo Indígena de Gobierno. Podrán cambiar el capataz, los caporales pero el finquero sigue siendo el mismo.

El dueño de la hacienda sigue explotando, latigueando y persiguiendo a los esclavos.

Sea parte de los  
Comités de Defensa del Barrio.
Asamblea Comunitaria6:30 PM
Cada lunes en 802 N. Calle 7 en Phoenix

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

COLONIALISM: Zero Tolerance

June 30, 2018

Today, this morning in the dawn's early light, standing before the Northwest Detention Center at Tacoma, Washington in the Traditional Territories of the Nisqually Nation, a commission of Indigenous Peoples presented themselves in the spirit of ceremony and self-determination.

Standing before the gates of the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement ICE detention center, which is run by the for-profit Geo Group, the call was made to the families inside the compound, families of the thousands of children who have been separated from their mothers and fathers over the past month since the ICE pogrom of persecution called "Zero Tolerance" by US Attorney General Jeff Sessions.

Today the sea of emergence crested in power and prayer, and the tide turned.

The Indigenous Peoples returned to their traditional lands in Tacoma to welcome and greet the relatives from the south detained by the force of state power in illegal violation of Treaty Rights, Human Rights, Indigenous Peoples Rights, Rights of the Family and the Rights of the Child.  Affirming that "As Indigenous Peoples, we are not immigrants in our own continent," the delegation shared their vision of a renewed relationship of respect, equality, and self-determination among all peoples of Mother Earth.

In order for such an initiative to take root, grow and flourish the constituency of Indigenous Peoples in direct action of self-determination proclaimed to the world the end of the age of colonialism has come to the state of Washington.

Today the commission of Indigenous Peoples attending the Protecting Mother Earth Conference at Frank's Landing proclaimed at the gates of the Northwest Detention Center in Tacoma that the illegal normalization of colonialism will be challenged now, again and forevermore as long as the grass grows and the rivers flow.

The challenge to the normalization of 525 years of colonialism and white supremacy across the continent of the Great Turtle Island Abya Yala [Americas] will be met in peaceful purpose and prayer as many times as necessary with ZERO TOLERANCE.


Framework of Dominance:

UN Preliminary Study on the Doctrine of Discovery 

This preliminary study establishes that the Doctrine of Discovery has been institutionalized in law and policy, on national and international levels, and lies at the root of the violations of indigenous peoples’ human rights, both individual and collective. This has resulted in State claims to and the mass appropriation of the lands, territories and resources of indigenous peoples. Both the Doctrine of Discovery and a holistic structure that we term the Framework of Dominance have resulted in centuries of virtually unlimited resource extraction from the traditional territories of indigenous peoples. This, in turn, has resulted in the dispossession and impoverishment of indigenous peoples, and the host of problems that they face today on a daily basis.




Northwest Detention Center Indigenous Action




COLONIALISM: Zero Tolerance

June 30, 2018

Today, this morning in the dawn's early light, standing before the Northwest Detention Center at Tacoma, Washington in the Traditional Territories of the Nisqually Nation, a commission of Indigenous Peoples presented themselves in the spirit of ceremony and self-determination.

Standing before the gates of the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement ICE detention center, which is run by the for-profit Geo Group, the call was made to the families inside the compound, families of the thousands of children who have been separated from their mothers and fathers over the past month since the ICE pogrom of persecution called "Zero Tolerance" by US Attorney General Jeff Sessions.

Today the sea of emergence crested in power and prayer, and the tide turned.

The Indigenous Peoples returned to their traditional lands in Tacoma to welcome and greet the relatives from the south detained by the force of state power in illegal violation of Treaty Rights, Human Rights, Indigenous Peoples Rights, Rights of the Family and the Rights of the Child.  Affirming that "As Indigenous Peoples, we are not immigrants in our own continent," the delegation shared their vision of a renewed relationship of respect, equality, and self-determination among all peoples of Mother Earth.

In order for such an initiative to take root, grow and flourish the constituency of Indigenous Peoples in direct action of self-determination proclaimed to the world the end of the age of colonialism has come to the state of Washington.

Today the commission of Indigenous Peoples attending the Protecting Mother Earth Conference at Frank's Landing proclaimed at the gates of the Northwest Detention Center in Tacoma that the illegal normalization of colonialism will be challenged now, again and forevermore as long as the grass grows and the rivers flow.

The challenge to the normalization of  525 years of colonialism and white supremacy across the continent of the Great Turtle Island Abya Yala [Americas] will be met in peaceful purpose and prayer as many times as necessary with ZERO TOLERANCE.

This preliminary study establishes that the Doctrine of Discovery has been institutionalized in law and policy, on national and international levels, and lies at the root of the violations of indigenous peoples’ human rights, both individual and collective. This has resulted in State claims to and the mass appropriation of the lands, territories and resources of indigenous peoples. Both the Doctrine of Discovery and a holistic structure that we term the Framework of Dominance have resulted in centuries of virtually unlimited resource extraction from the traditional territories of indigenous peoples. This, in turn, has resulted in the dispossession and impoverishment of indigenous peoples, and the host of problems that they face today on a daily basis.

June 30, 2018 Northwest Detention Center -Tacoma, Washington Traditional Territories of the Nisqually Nation - Commission of Indigenous Peoples present themselves in the spirit of ceremony and self-determination.