
Wednesday, March 28, 2012


! Support la Huelga del Pueblo, NOW!

MANA is scheduled to perform in Phoenix, AZ May 4, 2012.

At that moment they will officially be breaking the
Huelga del Pueblo!

They claim that they do not know about the Human Rights violations in Arizona, and said that no one has told them about any problems in Arizona.


*  Call Angelo Medina, MANA’s agent at 787.724.3277*  Email our demands to him at  *  Email MANA’s public relations Chaman Music at

DON’T come to Arizona to leave $$$$ to the Racist Arizona state.

DON’T support hate with your concert in Phoenix, AZ.

DO come to Arizona if you play a FREE concert in SOLIDARITY


For more info: Comités de Defensa del Barrio 602.314.5870


MANA! Apoyen a la Huelga del Pueblo,
¡AHORA! O les vamos a BOICOTEAR!
MANA está programado para detenerse en
Phoenix, AZ 04 de mayo 2012.
En ese momento será oficialmente romper la Huelga del Pueblo!
Ellos dicen que no saben acerca de las violaciones de derechos humanos en Arizona, y dijo que nadie les ha dicho acerca de cualquier problema en Arizona.
SIN EMBARGO, todos los días en Arizona las familias están separadas por las redadas, prejuicios raciales y la COLABORACIÓN DE ICE CON POLICIA/SHERIF/DPS.
* Llame a Angelo Medina, representante de MANA en el 787.724.3277
* Enviar a nuestras demandas:
* Correo electrónico de MANA las relaciones publicas
Música Chaman al
Nuestras demandas a MANA:
SI Amar es Combatir, hay que combatir el odio, no a la gente!
NO vengas a Arizona para dejar $ $ $ $ al estado racista de Arizona.
NO apoye el odio con su concierto en Phoenix, Arizona.
Llegan a Arizona, si van a hacer un concierto gratuito
en solidaridad con
Para más información: Comités de Defensa del Barrio 602.314.5870

La Huelga del Pueblo es la respuesta de nuestra comunidad al nivel económico contra los intereses que financian la opresión de nuestro Pueblo. Es una lucha permanente, con conciencia y disciplina, implementado con tácticas de BOYCOTT contra corporaciones especificas que ...son prioritarios en campañas estratégicas de corto y largo plaza de establecer una ECONOMIA JUSTA y SOSTENTABLE en Arizona.

Nuestro objectivo es de establecer Zonas de Derechos Humanos por todo Arizona bajo los principios del Compacto de Comercio Comunitario de Arizona.


La Huelga del Pueblo is response from our community at the economic level in opposition to the interests that financially support the oppression of our Peoples. It is a permanent struggle, with consciousness and discipline, that employs the tactic of strategic BOYCOTTS against priority corporate interests within grass roots strategic campaigns of short and long range intended to achieve a JUST and SUSTAINABLE ECONOMY for Arizona.

Our Objective is to establish Human Rights Zones across the state in accord with the principles of the Arizona Community Commerce Compact.

Monday, March 26, 2012


Teocalli Macehualli
TONATIERRA Press Release
Date:  March 26, 2012
Phoenix, Aztlan (Donde vive el espíritu de la verdad)

Nos acusan de no tener tácticas ni estrategias definidas por no caer en la trampa de la inmediatez política y la insensatez de tratar de enfrentar un sistema enraizado en la enajenación humana utilizando sus mismas tácticas, estrategias deshumanizante. La semana pasada hubo dos eventos en el Capitolio que pasaron desapercibidos por los medios de comunicación, no tenían la bulla de cometer la locura de llamarnos “indocumentados” a nosotros mismos. No entraban en el marco histórico del “Destino Manifiesto” ni de la “Doctrina de Descubrimiento” que rige nuestras vidas en todo aspecto de la inhumanidad en la que vivimos llamándonos ilegales. Todo lo contrario.
El Derecho de Memoria

El sábado pasado un centenar de seres humanos clasificados por el sistema dominante como “ilegales” o “indocumentados” hicieron lo increíble. En un ambiente de hermandad, los niños gozando, y la música en vivo tomaron el jardín de la cámara de representantes y construyeron de una manera muy sencilla el esqueleto de un TEOCALLI.
Teocalli Izkaloteca

Para los que no sepan el Teocalli es lo que vulgarmente el español llamaba pirámides, pero que se encargaron de desmantelar para construir sobre de ellas las catedrales y las iglesias por todo la mal llamada America. Sin embargo el Teocalli, un lugar donde habita el espíritu de la verdad retoño en el mismo lugar donde rige el espíritu deshumanizante de la mentira, la ocupación cultural, mental, y espiritual de millones de seres humanos reducidos al miedo y al consumismo por fuerzas que vienen mucho mas antes de Russell Pearce, El Sheriff Arpaio, Huppental, Kavanaugh, Tom Horne, y los administradores de la explotación en turno.  Fuerzas implementadas desde la doctrina de la mal llamada “conquista” para no llamarle lo que es. El dominio total de los seres humanos residiendo en tierras invadidas por los poderes europeos bajo la doctrina de superioridad del hombre blanco sobre todo ser humano y animal.
La Leyenda de la Verdad y la Doctrina del Poder
El otro evento tomo lugar el viernes bajo la invitación del Caucus Indígena en el Capitolio. Los representantes indígenas invitaron a una discusión sobre la Doctrina del Descubrimiento y como se relaciona a las leyes de Arizona como la SB1070 y el ataque a los estudios étnicos. Invitaron a académicos reconocidos como Steve Newcomb que presento sus investigaciones sobre la Bula Papal de 1493 que le daba “dominio” a los imperios europeos sobre tierra, súbditos y bestias para ser “civilizados” o “eliminados” si no querían entrar al corral de explotación para el bien de la “Madre Patria” y La Santa Iglesia Católica, Apostólica, y Romana. A estos eventos asistieron representantes de los pueblos indígenas, y también representantes de los Comités de Defensa del Barrio

No fuimos a pedirles nada a los representantes. No fuimos a protestar nada contra ellos. Fuimos a decidir por nosotros mismos cual es nuestro camino y decirles a ellos que a pesar de 520 años de persecución, atrocidades, terrorismo, seguimos siendo humanos y lucharemos no como súbditos de estados unidos o el estado mexicano sino como pueblos originales soberanos a los que no ha podido dominar.
La estrategia es saber quien somos para que no nos destruyan mentalmente, espiritualmente, y nomás luchemos pa’ agarrar papeles, luego nos olvidamos de nuestras raíces, nuestras familias, nuestros antepasados, y entramos de lleno a la Pesadilla Americana a votar por dos caras de la misma moneda diabólica con las que compran armas, almas, y poseen nuestra conciencia para arrancarnos el alma, vida y corazon.

In Topilli Izkaloteca

Monday, March 19, 2012

The Arrow of Tenamaztle

By Colin Bossen
March 15, 2012
Over the two years that I have been in dialogue with the folks who work out of the NAHUACALLI, Embassy of Indigenous Peoples they have repeatedly provoked me in my thinking about the construct of "white" identity, colonialism and the relationship between the indigenous peoples of North America, our Mother Earth and the values of human and civil rights.  Nahuacalli's March 12, 2012 communiqué to the Arizona Superintendent John Huppenthal is no exception. In it Nahuacalli responds to the ongoing assault on ethnic studies in Arizona by challenging state officials to look at the roots of racial and racist constructs they are using to attack ethnic studies.
In particular, the Nahuacalli communiqué draws attention to the Doctrine of Discovery, Manifest Destiny and the belief that "the Anglo-Saxon 'race' [has] historical right in the territory [of what is now called Arizona] that supersede all others." By doing so Nahuacalli offers a reminder of at least three important truths.
Ancestral Indigenous Corridors of Culture and Trade
First, the United States as a nation state, and the state of Arizona, is a social construct imposed by force upon the indigenous peoples of North America.   In fact the geographic terminology of “America” itself is a colonial imposition over the ancestral name for the continent, Abya Yala.  This imposition is a continuation of more than five hundred years of colonialism, a practice which has been declared illegal by the United Nations.
Daughter of Zeus
Second, colonialism harms all who are involved with it.  As Nahuacalli asks "Is it not the "white people" themselves who have lost the most, by fomenting ethnic and political identity... based on a 'melanin deprived' physical characteristic that is unscientific and racist, not to mention horribly dehumanizing?'"
Third, it is only by questioning colonialism, and its accompanying construct of whiteness, that we can begin to live as one human race.  Humanity is one. Constructs like "whiteness" divide us from ourselves and, in doing, allow us to harm our brothers and sisters, and ultimately, the planet.
We are children of the same mother, Mother Earth, but when we forget this and separate ourselves by creating racial castes we also forget that we are interdependent and connected to each other and the natural world.

Rev. Colin Bossen
Minister, Unitarian Universalist Society of Cleveland


Arizona State Capitol - House of Representatives
Friday March 23, 2012


Press Release
Contact: Salvador Reza
Date:  March 19, 2012
O'otham Jeved, (Phoenix, Aztlan)

Donde vive el espíritu de la verdad

Las luchas son largas y nuestro tiempo limitado a solo una vida. Es por eso importante transmitir a nuestros hijos valores milenarios. Para que a través de las generaciones las luchas triunfen y no se detengan en el tiempo por las fuerzas retrogradas de la humanidad.
Este fin de semana la organización MEX@ tendrá su conferencia anual en el campus de la Universidad Estatal de Arizona en el centro de Phoenix. A través de los años MEX@ se ha transformado en una organización desconectada de las luchas sociales (con excepciones) como MEX@ Cal State Northridge y otros. En general MEX@ fue frenada por los tal llamados “advisors” consejeros universitarios asignados para desviar el brío de la juventud y canalizarlo a convertirse en un Club Estudiantil. 

MEX@ salio de la lucha de nuestro pueblo para acceder a las torres universitarias de las que hemos sido excluidos. MEX@ desafortunadamente ha sido desviada del sueno del pueblo y del barrio al “Acta del sueño” en donde nuestros hijos entran a una pesadilla de guerra, narcotráfico, e invasiones globales para que les den un papel que les abra las puertas a la educación. Las puertas han sido cerradas en la cara de todos aquellos que pensaban que en lugar de una organización de Lucha MEX@ era un club mas de “Fraternidades” en el Sueño Americano.

Un movimiento no es una organización. Les sigo diciendo a los jóvenes que buscan una “organización” como un niño busca su chupete para hacerse las ilusiones que esta jalando leche del seno de la madre. Puede chuparle todo lo que quiera pero no le va salir ni una gotita de nutrición. Pero lo pacifica y lo adormece y lo hace hacerse las ilusiones de que se siente como si estuviera prendido al seno de la mama. MEX@ atada a los consejeros universitarios y a la academia como su fuente de sustento es una organización desnutrida y embeleque. Para que MEX@ cumpla con los propósitos que la vieron nacer, necesita tirar el cupón de organización atada a la academia y prenderse del sustento milenario de nuestro pueblo.

La organización natural de nuestros pueblos es el Calpolli, el Ayllu, La Familia. Una MEX@ que no es parte de un movimiento del pueblo integrado a la lucha diaria contra los Arpaio’s del mundo, los Huppental, las leyes anti-humanas, y conectada con sus mismas familias a través de Comités de Defensa de los Barrios es una organización mas o una organización menos de las tantas desconectadas aquí y allá, que hacen decisiones en abstracto y ligado a intereses ajenos a los de sus abuelitos, sus papas, o sus mismos hijos.

Invitamos a los MEXISTAS ahora que vinieron a Arizona a que se reconecten con las familias que están luchando deportaciones, abusos de renteros, invasiones policíacas, negación de estudios Xicanos, pero que lo hagan en lo profundo arriesgándose a salir del esquema universitario y entrar en el movimiento milenario de nuestros pueblos indígenas que a pesar de mas de 500 años de Cortes, el robo de identidad masivo, e intento de genocidio sigue luchando en las calles de Abya Yala [America] para que sobreviva nuestras lenguas, nuestras culturas, nuestras costumbres, nuestras ceremonias, nuestra comida, pero lo mas importante nuestro movimiento milenario.

Teocalli Macehualli

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

In Imiuh Tenamaxtle: Communiqué to Arizona Superintendent of Public Instruction J. Huppenthal

Nahuacalli Educators Alliance 
In Imiuh Tenamaxtle

In ompa Tlamananalco inic oniquizaco inic onihuallihualoc ca mitl, onimacoc in Inimiuh Tenamaztle, auh yehhuatl ihihyo ixpantzinco, tehhuan tamechnahuatih totlahtol.

March 12, 2012 
The State of Arizona
Superintendent John Huppenthal
Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction
1535 W. Jefferson Street
Phoenix, AZ 85007

Dear Mr. Huppenthal,
The 11th Session of the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues will convene at UN Headquarters in New York from May 7 -18, 2012.  A special theme for discussion at this year’s session will be the “Impact of the Doctrine of Discovery on Indigenous Peoples”, which is the subject of the Preliminary Study on the Impact of the Doctrine of Discovery submitted to the UNPFII at the 9th Session in 2010.  The intent of this letter is to solicit a response from the Arizona Department of Education addressing the impact of the Doctrine of Discovery in terms of past and present educational policies and practices in the State of Arizona.


On September 13, 2007 the UN General Assembly adopted the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.  As a standard setting instrument of International Law, the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) establishes for the first time in five hundred years that Indigenous Peoples are “Equal to all other peoples….” with corresponding rights as “PEOPLES” in the world community.  Of the 46 Articles proclaimed in the UNDRIP, the following are particularly pertinent to our present request:

Article 3
Indigenous peoples have the right to self-determination. By virtue of that right they freely determine their political status and freely pursue their economic, social and cultural development.

Article 5
Indigenous peoples have the right to maintain and strengthen their distinct political, legal, economic, social and cultural institutions, while retaining their right to participate fully, if they so choose, in the political, economic, social and cultural life of the State.

Article 8
1. Indigenous peoples and individuals have the right not to be subjected to forced assimilation or destruction of their culture.
2. States shall provide effective mechanisms for prevention of, and redress for:
(a) Any action which has the aim or effect of depriving them of their integrity as distinct peoples, or of their cultural values or ethnic identities;
(b) Any action which has the aim or effect of dispossessing them of their lands, territories or resources;
(c) Any form of forced population transfer which has the aim or effect of violating or undermining any of their rights;
(d) Any form of forced assimilation or integration;
(e) Any form of propaganda designed to promote or incite racial or ethnic discrimination directed against them.

Article 14
1. Indigenous peoples have the right to establish and control their educational systems and institutions providing education in their own languages, in a manner appropriate to their cultural methods of teaching and learning.
2. Indigenous individuals, particularly children, have the right to all levels and forms of education of the State without discrimination.
3. States shall, in conjunction with indigenous peoples, take effective measures, in order for indigenous individuals, particularly children, including those living outside their communities, to have access, when possible, to an education in their own culture and provided in their own language.

Article 15
1. Indigenous peoples have the right to the dignity and diversity of their cultures, traditions, histories and aspirations which shall be appropriately reflected in education and public information.
2. States shall take effective measures, in consultation and cooperation with the indigenous peoples concerned, to combat prejudice and eliminate discrimination and to promote tolerance, understanding and good relations among indigenous peoples and all other segments of society.

The above clarifications become especially significant for the purposes of this letter for the following reasons:

The current Social Studies Standard for American History extracted from the Arizona Department of Education Website for High School level curriculum acknowledge the precept that Indigenous Peoples are recognized as “Peoples” by use of the term in:
Strand 1: Concept 3:  Exploration and Colonization
PO 1.  Review the reciprocal impact resulting from early European contact with indigenous peoples:

This same strand of study from the social studies curriculum calls for:
PO 2. Describe the reasons for colonization of America (e.g., religious freedom, desire for land, economic opportunity, and a new life).

The recognition of Indigenous Peoples as such in the standards of the Arizona Department of Education is noteworthy, but of greater concern is the perpetuation of policies of prejudice and “ethnic solidarity” in that discriminate favor of “white” pupils in the evaluation systems of the Arizona State Department of Education.

The designation of “white” as a category of evaluation and quantification of pupils in the Arizona State department of Education is not a new phenomenon.  In fact, from it’s beginnings on September 9, 1850 with the establishment by the 31st Congress of the Territorial Government for New Mexico, the organic instrument from which the State of Arizona derives its jurisdiction as a State (1912), the legal identity of “white person” has been given preferential “ethnic” treatment with policies of prejudice and “white supremacy” that are derivatives of the Doctrine of Manifest Destiny.

The concept of Manifest Destiny, a regime of ethnic solidarity if there ever was one, prescribes to the Anglo-Saxon “race” historical rights in the territory that supersede all others. Manifest Destiny is itself a meme of caste that by its nature as an ideology of “white supremacy” is a racist relic still embedded in the underlying Doctrine of Discovery, a chapter of the “Masters’ Narrative” that has dictated the rules of dominion by American societies since October 12, 1492.  We are speaking of the context of cognition that provides precept and dogma for the ongoing justification of colonization by European-American constituencies in territories to which they have immigrated or invaded as colonizers in this hemisphere.

Colonization is a crime.  It is a crime that became so in 1960 with UN GA Resolution 1514 which proclaimed “All peoples have the right to self determination.”  With the adoption in 2007 of the UNDRIP, and our recognition as “Peoples, equal to all other peoples….”, the Indigenous Peoples not only of Arizona, not only of the US, not only of the Americas but the Nations and Pueblos of Indigenous Peoples of Mother Earth – Nican Tlacah Cemanahuac - are determined to achieve the equilibrium and harmony with the Natural World that will allow Humanity as a whole to mature and realize planetary sustainability. 

The perpetuation of doctrine is not education, it is indoctrination.  And while the resistance and rebellion against these regimes of “intellectual apartheid” by the Indigenous Peoples of Abya Yala [the Americas] to the centuries old regime of white supremacy in the continent did not begin in Arizona, the time has come for us to here and now, as Nican Tlacah, to move deliberately towards collective corrective action in order to address the violations of Civil Rights, Human Rights, and Indigenous Rights that have become exacerbated in terms of public educational services for our community since the passage of AZ HB 2281.

Ancestral Corridors of Indigenous Culture and Trade 
Therefore, we as Nican Tlacah, Indigenous Peoples of Anahuac who reside in the territories of the O’otham Nations also known as the State of Arizona now present the following demands and recommendations in pursuit of realizing the intent of this letter:

In light of the fact that there is absolutely NO REFERENCE in the current Arizona State Curriculum Standards for a track of study on the relevance of the Doctrine of Discovery in terms of Social Studies, History or Public Policy:

We demand that the Preliminary Study on the Doctrine of Discovery, submitted to the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues be integrated into the Social Studies Curriculum standards immediately for implementation across the spectrum of services delivered by the Arizona Department of Education at all levels across the state with no exceptions.

We recommend that the State of Arizona:
  •  Promote and advocate for the continued development of appreciation, knowledge and understanding of the Cultural Diversity of all Arizona residents by supporting educational programs that contribute to this goal;
  • Reinforce programs of Cultural Competency to meet this goal, as a legal obligation binding the State of Arizona in terms of Civil Rights, Human Rights, and the Rights of Indigenous Peoples; 
  • Promote and advocate for the implementation of a state wide Indigenous Peoples Studies curriculum, that addresses the ignorance and lack of historical perspective in the general public related to outdated public policies that are grounded in the concepts of racial profiling and illegal preferences to constituencies of European-American “white persons” such as “Manifest Destiny”;

In closing, may we affirm the notion that this communiqué is no way to be interpreted as a message of resentment or hatred towards any other peoples, however they may classify themselves.  This is not a message of antagonism against white people, but it is a challenge to the social constructs of white supremacy.  And at a deeper level, it is a call to our common humanity to strive to collectively correct the injustices committed in the name of “Western Civilization” that make victims of not only the colonized by the colonizer as well. 

Where is the homeland of the “White” ethnicity? What are its boundaries? Where are its borders? Who is their leadership?  Who benefits from this ideology, and who suffers?  Is it not the “white people” themselves who have lost the most, by fomenting ethnic and political identity at the family, community and national levels based on a “melanin deprived” physical characteristic that is unscientific and racist, not to mention horribly dehumanizing?

These questions, demands, and recommendations are signals from the ancient world of the Indigenous Peoples in this year 2012 that call upon us as Human Beings not to remain divided by dogma and doctrine but achieve integrity and sustainability with the natural world based on principles of both individual and collective responsibility and self determination.  “Equal to all other peoples” is not a phrase of ethnic solidarity; it is a call once again from the tradition of the Indigenous Peoples that reminds us all why this continent was called the “New World” by the immigrants from the “Old World”.

Not only are we the New World, we are NOW the World in Renewal: We are the Nican Tlacah of Cemanahuac and our proposals in terms of education are hereby respectfully submitted in the spirit of the Prerogative of the Peoples and for the purposes of advancing the Public Services towards the Greater Good, the wela of We the Peoples.


Tupac Enrique Acosta, Yaotachcauh
Tlahtokan Nahuacalli

Monday, March 12, 2012

Nahuacalli Educators Alliance Press Conference

Educators Alliance
Press Release
For Immediate Release
Date: Monday March 12, 2012
Contact: Tupac Enrique Acosta (602) 466-8367

Impact of the Doctrine of Discovery
Traditional Indigenous Mexican Communities Mobilize a Four-Day Direct Action in Response to the Regime of Intellectual Apartheid in Arizona

What:          PRESS CONFERENCE to announce Direct Action at the Arizona Department of Education

When:          10:00 AM Tuesday March 13, 2012

Where:           NAHUACALLI 802 N. 7th Street Phoenix, AZ 

Phoenix, AZ – Working together under the auspices of the Calmecac Abya Yala, a continental consortium of Indigenous Universities from throughout the hemisphere, two traditional Indigenous Mexican communities will embark on a four day series of educational events and direct action that will mobilize from Tucson to Phoenix this week.

Under the theme of  “In Imiuh Tenamaztle” (The Arrow of Tenemaztle) the event will launch from Tucson on Wednesday March 14th and arrive at the Arizona Department of Education on Friday the 16th at 3:00 PM to deliver a set of demands and recommendations to Arizona Superintendent of Instruction John Huppenthal.

On Saturday the 17th dual actions in the form of "Teach Ins" in both Tucson and Phoenix will culminate the the 2012 Flecha de Tenamaztle. The Phoenix "teach in" is planned to take place at the Arizona State Capitol complex from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM.

The Calpolli Tlamanalco and the Calpolli Nahuacalco, working with the Alianza Indigena Sin Fronteras, are taking the action in response to the climate of “intellectual apartheid” which has become exacerbated by AZ HB2281, and in affirmation of the Right of Self Determination as Indigenous Peoples in regards to educational policies and practices in the realm of Public Education in the State of Arizona.
“The educational issues in Arizona are not limited to the banning of books, and the denial of culturally competent educational services such as the Mexican American studies program in Tucson, the issue at its core is the right as Indigenous Peoples to question the intellectual regimes of colonization and its agents of suppression in the form of institutions of the state.  We propose to engage in the peaceful exercise of the right of assembly to present our grievances, demands and recommendations to the State of Arizona, and we now propose that as a beginning point of reference in the dialogue we integrate the Preliminary Study on the Impact of the Doctrine of Discovery of the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues.”
