Soundcloud Interview with Tupak Huehuecoyotl
Wakeup Call From the Nightmare of Manifest Destiny
Wakeup Call From the Nightmare of Manifest Destiny
"In terms of jurisprudence, there's an attribute of what goes on today, when when we are discussing legalization or comprehension and
comprehensive immigration reform it seems to be that we are taking the
framing of the colonizing regimes and assuming and presuming that those
are the instruments of legality in denial of the
Right of Self Determination
of the
Nations and Pueblos of Indigenous Peoples."

Wakeup Call from the Nightmare of Manifest Destiny
Right of Self Determination
of the
Nations and Pueblos of Indigenous Peoples."
Wakeup Call from the Nightmare of Manifest Destiny
The Doctrine of Discovery
and the
Wakeup Call from the
Nightmare of Manifest Destiny in Arizona
Comités de Defensa del Barrio
Comités de Defensa del Barrio
Will the rights of Indigenous Peoples as Migrant
Workers, including the Right of Self Determination, be addressed in the
COMPREHENSIVE IMMIGRATION REFORM package of legislation that is about to be
presented, and adopted by the US Congress? Will the concepts of Convention 169
of the International Labor Organization be introduced into the terms of
engagement of the debate? The real question is:
Carta Abierta a los Ministros de Estado y a las
Constituyentes Públicas de Canadá, Estados Unidos, y México - El TLCAN y la Declaración
de la ONU sobre los Derechos de los Pueblos Indígenas.
The Law of Exceptions
NAFTA and the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples: Open letter to the Ministers of State and Public Constituencies of Canada-US-Mexico
NAFTA and the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples: Open letter to the Ministers of State and Public Constituencies of Canada-US-Mexico
January 2013
January 2013
American Indian Airwaves
Interview with Tupak Huehuecoyotl of TONATIERRA on the continental,
cosmetric, and climate context of the Indigenous Peoples Movements of Abya Yala
and the Idle No More in Canada, Kundur Anka Pachacutic - The Rights of Pacha
Mama - Continental Confederacy of the Eagle and the Condor.
Colonization is Illegal
"You don't have to be afraid to say what's true."
Colonization is Illegal
"You don't have to be afraid to say what's true."
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