Tuesday, May 29, 2012

La Huelga del Pueblo!

Reportaje Univision 29 de mayo 2012

es la respuesta de nuestra comunidad al nivel económico contra los intereses que financian la opresión de nuestro Pueblo. Es una lucha permanente, con conciencia y disciplina, implementado con tácticas de BOICOT contra corporaciones especificas que son prioritarios en campañas estratégicas de corto y largo plaza de establecer una ECONOMIA JUSTA y SOSTENTABLE en Arizona.
Nuestro objectivo es de establecer
Zonas de Derechos Humanos
por todo Arizona bajo los principios del
Compacto de Comercio Comunitario de Arizona.


La Huelga del Pueblo
is the response from our community at the economic level in opposition to the interests that financially support the oppression of our Peoples. It is a permanent struggle, with consciousness and discipline, that employs the tactic of strategic BOYCOTTS against priority corporate interests within grass roots strategic campaigns of short and long range intended to achieve a JUST and SUSTAINABLE ECONOMY for Arizona.

Our Objective is to establish
Human Rights Zones 
across the state in accord with the

Press Release
Los Comités de Defensa del Barrio
Community Members Assert Principles In Solidarity with the Arizona Boycott
The Boycott Continues

Press Conference

Date:  May 29, 2012
Location:  802 N. 7th Street, Phoenix AZ
Time:  11:00  a.m.
Re:  In light of Supreme Court pending decision on SB1070 and the Sound Strike announcement that they will no longer actively ask Musical Groups not to come to Arizona the Barrio Defense Committees with 13 chapters in Arizona and TONATIERRA announce the set of principles we ask of anyone visiting Arizona.  The Arizona Boycott Continues!

1.  Groups, organizations, performers in Sovereign Native Land coming with the blessing of the indigenous nations are welcome. “Los Tigres del Norte” are scheduled to come there in September.

2.  Groups, organizations, performers coming in Solidarity with the Boycott of Arizona are welcome in “Non-Commercial” venues as long as there is no fees charged at the door and no revenue goes to the coffers of the State of Arizona. “Manu Chao” the European performer showed how it can be done last year.

3.  As long as SB1070 stays in the books the Boycott against Arizona Continues

4.  The Barrio Defense Committees reserves the right to Pickett and actively boycott any group, performer, or commercial enterprise that blatantly or indirectly supports Arizona’s hate laws or gives comfort or economic support to the spread of SB1070 type laws here in Arizona or nationally. Vicente Fernandez will be picketed in July of this year.

5.  The affected community called for the Arizona Boycott and only the affected community has the ultimate authority to call if off.

6.  We thank the Support of Zack de La Rocha and the Sound Strike since the racist laws went in effect as well as all other national organizations such as NCLR (National Council of La Raza), and NDLON (National Day Labor Organizing Network). However, the Barrio Defense Committees and Tonatierra assert the original principles issued when the Boycott was called in front of the State Capitol after the passage of SB1070. 

“The Boycott against Arizona will continue until SB1070 is eradicated from the books of the State of Arizona.”  

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