Friday, February 22, 2019

# D.Trump


Toxic Regime of Uncensored Marketing of Pathology

At some point, SOONER or later, after the departure of Donald Trump from the office of the presidency of the United States of America, it will become necessary to deliberately restore and regenerate the basic foundations of society based on principles respect, inclusion, complementarity and self-determination.

The American “Experiment in Democracy” requires mutual self-respect and self-disciple for the liberty of a self-governing peoples to flourish and achieve what is the greatest challenge now upon us all: The realization of a just and peaceful community of diverse nationalities and creeds, traditions and dreams, working and struggling together towards a just cultural-economic relationship with each other and shared responsibilities to establish ecological balance with the natural world. As the tides of climate chaos fomented by anthropogenic climate change magnify exponentially, our collective efforts must also grow in response and not just reaction.

Colonization and democracy are incompatible.  The colonization of Mother Earth is unsustainable.  In order to heal, the public constituencies of America must de-Trump:


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